===== csvpy ===== Description =========== Loads a CSV file into a :class:`agate.csv.Reader` object and then drops into a Python shell so the user can inspect the data however they see fit: .. code-block:: none usage: csvpy [-h] [-d DELIMITER] [-t] [-q QUOTECHAR] [-u {0,1,2,3}] [-b] [-p ESCAPECHAR] [-z FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT] [-e ENCODING] [-L LOCALE] [-S] [--blanks] [--null-value NULL_VALUES [NULL_VALUES ...]] [--date-format DATE_FORMAT] [--datetime-format DATETIME_FORMAT] [-H] [-K SKIP_LINES] [-v] [-l] [--zero] [-V] [--dict] [--agate] [--no-number-ellipsis] [-y SNIFF_LIMIT] [-I] [FILE] Load a CSV file into a CSV reader and then drop into a Python shell. positional arguments: FILE The CSV file to operate on. If omitted, will accept input as piped data via STDIN. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dict Load the CSV file into a DictReader. --agate Load the CSV file into an agate table. --no-number-ellipsis Disable the ellipsis if the max precision is exceeded. -y SNIFF_LIMIT, --snifflimit SNIFF_LIMIT Limit CSV dialect sniffing to the specified number of bytes. Specify "0" to disable sniffing entirely, or "-1" to sniff the entire file. -I, --no-inference Disable type inference (and --locale, --date-format, --datetime-format, --no-leading-zeroes) when parsing the input. This tool will automatically use the IPython shell if it is installed, otherwise it will use the running Python shell. .. note:: Due to platform limitations, csvpy does not accept file input as piped data via STDIN. See also: :doc:`../common_arguments`. Examples ======== Basic use: .. code-block:: console $ csvpy examples/dummy.csv Welcome! "examples/dummy.csv" has been loaded in a reader object named "reader". >>> next(reader) ['a', 'b', 'c'] As a dictionary: .. code-block:: console $ csvpy --dict examples/dummy.csv Welcome! "examples/dummy.csv" has been loaded in a DictReader object named "reader". >>> next(reader) {'a': '1', 'c': '3', 'b': '2'} As an agate table: .. code-block:: console $ csvpy --agate examples/dummy.csv Welcome! "examples/dummy.csv" has been loaded in a from_csv object named "reader". >>> reader.print_table() | a | b | c | | ---- | - | - | | True | 2 | 3 |