csvkit 1.0.1¶

csvkit is a suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.
It is inspired by pdftk, gdal and the original csvcut tool by Joe Germuska and Aaron Bycoffe.
If you need to do more complex data analysis than csvkit can handle, use agate.
Important links:
- Repository: https://github.com/wireservice/csvkit
- Issues: https://github.com/wireservice/csvkit/issues
- Documentation: http://csvkit.rtfd.org/
- Schemas: https://github.com/wireservice/ffs
- Buildbot: https://travis-ci.org/wireservice/csvkit
Why csvkit?¶
Because it makes your life easier.
Convert Excel to CSV:
in2csv data.xls > data.csv
Convert JSON to CSV:
in2csv data.json > data.csv
Print column names:
csvcut -n data.csv
Select a subset of columns:
csvcut -c column_a,column_c data.csv > new.csv
Reorder columns:
csvcut -c column_c,column_a data.csv > new.csv
Find rows with matching cells:
csvgrep -c phone_number -r "555-555-\d{4}" data.csv > new.csv
Convert to JSON:
csvjson data.csv > data.json
Generate summary statistics:
csvstat data.csv
Query with SQL:
csvsql --query "select name from data where age > 30" data.csv > new.csv
Import into PostgreSQL:
csvsql --db postgresql:///database --insert data.csv
Extract data from PostgreSQL:
sql2csv --db postgresql:///database --query "select * from data" > new.csv
And much more...
Table of contents¶
When citing csvkit in publications, you may use this BibTeX entry:
title = {csvkit},
author = {Christopher Groskopf and contributors},
year = 2016,
url = {https://csvkit.readthedocs.org/}
The following individuals have contributed code to csvkit:
- Christopher Groskopf
- Joe Germuska
- Aaron Bycoffe
- Travis Mehlinger
- Alejandro Companioni
- Benjamin Wilson
- Bryan Silverthorn
- Evan Wheeler
- Matt Bone
- Ryan Pitts
- Hari Dara
- Jeff Larson
- Jim Thaxton
- Miguel Gonzalez
- Anton Ian Sipos
- Gregory Temchenko
- Kevin Schaul
- Marc Abramowitz
- Noah Hoffman
- Jan Schulz
- Derek Wilson
- Chris Rosenthal
- Davide Setti
- Gabi Davar
- Sriram Karra
- James McKinney
- Aaron McMillin
- Matt Dudys
- Joakim Lundborg
- Federico Scrinzi
- Chris Rosenthal
- Shane StClair
- raistlin7447
- Alex Dergachev
- Jeff Paine
- Jeroen Janssens
- Sébastien Fievet
- Travis Swicegood
- Ryan Murphy
- Diego Rabatone Oliveira
- Matt Pettis
- Tasneem Raja
- Richard Low
- Kristina Durivage
- Espartaco Palma
- pnaimoli
- Michael Mior
- Jennifer Smith
- Antonio Lima
- Dave Stanton
- Pedrow
- Neal McBurnett
- Anthony DeBarros
- Baptiste Mispelon
- James Seppi
- Karrie Kehoe
- Geert Barentsen
- Cathy Deng
- Eric Bréchemier
- Neil Freeman
- Fede Isas
- Patricia Lipp
- Kev++
- edwardros
- Martin Burch
- Pedro Silva
- hydrosIII